Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Configuring IBOTS

1.   The first step is to configure a schema that would hold all our scheduler tables. If you do not have a schema create or use an existing one. In my case i have a schema called S_NQ_SCHED wherein i would create all my scheduler tables.

2.   Navigate to your {ORACLEBI}/Server/Schema folder and run the scheduler scripts. If you are on an Oracle Database, you would have to run SAJOBS.Oracle.sql. This would basically create the scheduler tables that Oracle Delivers would use later.
3.   The next step is to open your Job Manager. Go to File – > Configuration Options and enter the schema and connection details for the scheduler schema. In my case it would be S_NQ_SCHED schema.

4.   Go to the General tab. If you had followed the default install, then leave everything the same. Just enter in the Administrator usernames and passwords.

5.   Go to the Mail tab and enter in your mail server details.

6.   Open your instanceconfig.xml and add in the scheduler details. This step basically lets the presentation server know about the machine and port details of the scheduler. By default the scheduler port is 9705.

7.   The next step is to run a cryptotools utility that would basically store the username and password of the scheduler into an XML file called credentialstore.xml.
8.   Go to {OracleBI}/web/bin from command prompt. Then enter in the following command.
cryptotools credstore -add -infile OracleBIData_HOME/web/config/credentialstore.xml

Ensure that you have the alias as “Admin”.
9.   The next step is to add the details of this credentialstore.xml file into the instanceconfig.xml.


Once this is done, find out the jobid of this ibot from the Job Manager console.

Now, create a batch file to call this ibot on an on-demand basis(on unix you would have to create a shell script). This batch file would basically have this command.
saschinvoke -u Administrator/Administrator -j 1

The advantage of the above batch file is that you can also pass parameters (jobids etc) dynamically to it. The next step is to create a simple DBMS_SCHEDULER job to call this utility.
job_name => ’saschinvoke1′,
job_type => ‘EXECUTABLE’,
job_action => ‘D:\Oracle\OracleBI\server\Bin\saschinvoke.bat’,
repeat_interval => ‘FREQ=YEARLY’,
enabled => TRUE

Now, create another procedure to run this job.
HTP.PRINT(’<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html”>’);
HTP.PRINT(’<title>EMAIL Successfully Sent</title>’);
HTP.PRINT(’<body TEXT=”#000000″ BGCOLOR=”#FFFFFF”>’);
HTP.PRINT(’<h1>Email Successfully Sent</h1>’);

This is the procedure which we shall expose to be called from a URL using the Pl/SQL gateway. In order to do that, grant execute privilege on the above procedure to ANONYMOUS and add the procedure to the list of accepted and executable packages by the pl/sql gateway.
CREATE OR REPLACE function wwv_flow_epg_include_mod_local(procedure_name in varchar2)
return boolean is
if upper(procedure_name) in (’HR.PRO_INVOKEIBOTS’) then
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
end if;
end wwv_flow_epg_include_mod_local;

Once this is done, create a URL link in the dashboard to call the below URL


Clicking on the above URL should automatically send an email to the Administrator.

OBIEE making a clear button

Found this piece of javascript in the new version Sales example:

It clears all the user prompts edits and sets them back to their defaults.

{div class="XUIPromptEntry minibuttonOn"}{ href="#" onclick="return PersonalizationEditor.removeDefaultSelection(false)"}Clear{/a}{/div}

OBIEE - DSN Details

Here you will find those, OracleBI\xmlp\XMLP\Admin\DataSource\jdbcdefaults.xml
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<defaultvalue name="ORACLE"
description="Oracle 9i/10g/11g"
url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@[host]:[port]:[sid]" />
<defaultvalue name="ORACLE_OLD"
description="Oracle 8/8i"
url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@[host]:[port]:[sid]" />

<defaultvalue name="ORACLE_BI"
description="Oracle BI Server"
url="jdbc:oraclebi://[host]:[port]" />
<defaultvalue name="SQLSERVER2000"
description="Microsoft SQL Server 2000"
url="jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://[host]:[port];databasename=[dbname]" />

<defaultvalue name="SQLSERVER2005"
description="Microsoft SQL Server 2005"
url="jdbc:sqlserver://[host]:[port];DatabaseName=[dbname]" />

<defaultvalue name="IBMDB2UDB"
description="IBM DB2 Universal Database"
url="jdbc:hyperion:db2://[host]:[port];DatabaseName=[dbname]" />

<defaultvalue name="SYBASE"
description="Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise"
url="jdbc:sybase:Tds:[host]:[port]" />
<defaultvalue name="NCRTERADATA"
url="jdbc:teradata://[DatabaseServerName]" />
<defaultvalue name="MYSQL"
url="jdbc:mysql://[host]:[port]/[database]" />
Connection String : jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/saac
DB Driver Class: org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver and user =root and password=root
<defaultvalue name="OTHER"
url="jdbc:" />

OBIEE location of Images

please paste our Images to this path

XMLP Server Config File in OBIEE

<xmlpConfig xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oxp/xmlp">
   <property name="SUPERUSER_PASSWORD" value="9DA818F68E4267635CF12C4D7F8D735D5604B2C0BF22"/>
   <property name="SUPERUSER_USERNAME" value="Administrator"/>
   <property name="GUEST_FOLDER" value="false"/>
   <property name="SAW_SERVER" value="HEX-A0226CB62C8"/>
   <property name="SAW_USERNAME" value="Administrator"/>
   <property name="DISCO_PROTOCOL" value="http"/>
   <property name="SAW_VERSION" value="v4"/>
   <property name="ENABLE_SUPERUSER" value="true"/>
   <property name="BI_SERVER_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENC" value="C880479C6E3F5AB991C643C0117DBEB9"/>
   <property name="BI_SERVER_SECURITY_ADMIN_USERNAME" value="Administrator"/>
   <property name="DISCO_PORT" value="9704"/>
   <property name="DEBUG_LEVEL" value="exception"/>
   <property name="BI_SERVER_SECURITY_URL" value="jdbc:oraclebi://HEX-A0226CB62C8:9704/"/>
   <property name="SAW_SESSION_TIMEOUT" value="90"/>
   <property name="BI_SERVER_SECURITY_DRIVER" value="oracle.bi.jdbc.AnaJdbcDriver"/>
   <property name="SAW_PROTOCOL" value="http"/>
   <property name="SAW_PORT" value="9704"/>
   <property name="DISCO_URL_SUFFIX" value="analytics/saw.dll"/>
   <property name="SAW_URL_SUFFIX" value="analytics/saw.dll"/>
   <property name="SECURITY_MODEL" value="XDO"/>
   <property name="DISCO_SERVER" value="HEX-A0226CB62C8"/>
   <property name="SAW_PASSWORD_ENC" value="C880479C6E3F5AB991C643C0117DBEB9"/>

OBIEE - filter header alignment Horizontal to Parallel

filter header alignment changes
<style type = "text/css">
td.GFPFilter br {display : none}

Hardware and Software System Requirement for OBIEE 11g

1.0 Oracle Business Intelligence Requirements
This section contains important information for the system on which you are installing Oracle Business Intelligence and the database containing the schemas.
1.1 Installation System Requirements

Below are the recommended hardware and system configuration requirements for an
Oracle Business Intelligence installation on 32-bit Windows operating systems:
Hardware Requirement:
1. Disk Space: 20GB or more
2. Available Memory: 4GB or more
3. Temp Space: 950MB or more
4. Swap Space: 3GB or more
5. CPU: dual-core Pentium, 1.5GHz or greater
Software Requirement:
1. OS: Windows Xp SP2  above version
2. Microsoft .Net Frame Work 3.5 SP2 above
3. OBIEE 11g latest Version
4. RCU(Repository Creation Utility
5. MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition

2.0 Database Requirements
Below are the recommended disk space requirements for the database containing the
Oracle Business Intelligence Scheduler database tables.
 500MB on Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases for standalone and Business Intelligence applications and deployments.
 500MB on IBM DB2 databases for standalone deployments.
3.0 RCU Supported Platforms
RCU is available only on 32-bit Microsoft Windows operating system platforms. You can run RCU from these machines to connect to Microsoft SQL Server database in order to create the 20 schemas required by Fusion Middleware components. The database server can be running on any platform that is supported by its respective database.

Write Back

Write Back
1)      Go to Repository à Physical Layerà table (which table u r going to give write back option) please uncheck cacheable option and save the changes.

2)      Go to Presentation layer -à Manage PrivilegeàGo to scroll down windows-à add Users/Administrator (who are all needs write back option) as mange write Back add Administrator. Finally click finish.

3)      Add XML File to this path  C:\OracleBI\web\msgdb\customMessages\WriteBack.xml  and

C:\OracleBIData\web\msgdb\WriteBack .xml   path.
File Name: WriteBack.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="com.siebel.analytics.web/message/v1">
<WebMessageTable lang="en-us" system="WriteBack" table="Messages">
<WebMessage name="WriteBack">
<writeBack connectionPool="Connection Pool">
<update>UPDATE db_summary SET comments='@{c1}' WHERE location='@{c2}'</update>
<insert>INSERT INTO db_summary {comments} VALUES '@{c1}' </insert>

<WebMessage name="WriteBackNew">
<writeBack connectionPool="Connection Pool">
<update>UPDATE report_comments SET comments='@{c1}' WHERE username='@{c0}'</update>
<insert>INSERT INTO report_comments {comments} VALUES ('@{c1}') </insert>

Note: It’s all are case sensitive and red lined letters are give as above. After that restart all the OBIEE Server (Java Host, OC4J, BI Server etc.)
Note1: As Button Text in Presentation Layer :system="WriteBack"  and
As Template Name in Presentation Layer : <WebMessage name="WriteBackNew">
 4)      Choose value Interaction Type as Writ Back and field size like give screen

5)      Look at the given screen and enable the writeback option and give the Write Back Button name as per the WritBack.xml file.
6)      Finally I will get like this kind of screen ,write u r  comments on this text field and click WriteBack Button it will save in the Data base back end operation.

In DB result will be,

Sunday, December 05, 2010

OBIEE 11g 1st day

        Required Software for OBIEE 11g installation,

1) JDK 1.5 above version
2) RCU ( Repository Creation Utility)
3) OBIEE 11g version
4) .Net frame work 2.0 above version
5) IE 6.0 above version
6) PDF installar and MS Office 2007 version
