Changing the homepage for all users
1. Created a session init block
2. Used data source as select '/shared/SH Test/_portal/Test1' from dual
3. Assigned this value to PORTALPATH session variable
4. In Presentation services > Administration > My account > Default dashboard should be set to 'default'. Then only the dashboard specified in init block will be displayed otherwise My account will override the init block.
5. Save the changes made to rpd.
5. Logout and relogin to see if it is working fine. it is working perfectly fine.
if you like to have user/group based home page.
1. They may need to have 2 separate tables.
i. Group_path_tab with 2 columns. Group_id, portal_path
Have group wise portal path for all the groups
ii. User-group map table
Group_id, Group_name, user_id
User should be part of some group.
2. Then in the init block write the sql should be something like this
select A.portal_path from Group_path_tab A, User_group_map B
where B.user_id = :USER
and B.Group_id = A.Group_id
Creat new init blok like below one
select '/shared/AFS/_portal/GPC AFS Reporting' from dual
see my screen short:
here set u r home page url path like below one
'/shared/AFS/_portal/GPC AFS Reporting'
create anothe init blok
select User_ID from User_Group_Map where User_ID=':USER'
So based on USER session variable, it will try to identify the group and then the portal_path.
Finally assign this value to PORTALPATH session variable.
for more refer below SR:
SR 3-3432126511: ^how to Changing theOBIEE11g homepage for all users/group wise?
FYI,I have followed given below link.
Changing the homepage for all users
1. Created a session init block
2. Used data source as select '/shared/SH Test/_portal/Test1' from dual
3. Assigned this value to PORTALPATH session variable
4. In Presentation services > Administration > My account > Default dashboard should be set to 'default'. Then only the dashboard specified in init block will be displayed otherwise My account will override the init block.
5. Save the changes made to rpd.
5. Logout and relogin to see if it is working fine. it is working perfectly fine.
if you like to have user/group based home page.
1. They may need to have 2 separate tables.
i. Group_path_tab with 2 columns. Group_id, portal_path
Have group wise portal path for all the groups
ii. User-group map table
Group_id, Group_name, user_id
User should be part of some group.
2. Then in the init block write the sql should be something like this
select A.portal_path from Group_path_tab A, User_group_map B
where B.user_id = :USER
and B.Group_id = A.Group_id
Creat new init blok like below one
select '/shared/AFS/_portal/GPC AFS Reporting' from dual
see my screen short:
here set u r home page url path like below one
'/shared/AFS/_portal/GPC AFS Reporting'
create anothe init blok
select User_ID from User_Group_Map where User_ID=':USER'
So based on USER session variable, it will try to identify the group and then the portal_path.
Finally assign this value to PORTALPATH session variable.
for more refer below SR:
SR 3-3432126511: ^how to Changing theOBIEE11g homepage for all users/group wise?
FYI,I have followed given below link.
I need some other way